Catalina Riser Yoga Logo
Catalina Riser Yoga Logo

Katie Innes

Turn in the direction

of greater mindfulness and love.

Katie posing against a railing

Hi I'm Katie!

I am a 200-RYT certified yoga instructor, with experience teaching in Hatha, Vinyasa, and Nidra styles. With over a decade of in-studio yoga practice, my passion lies in expanding yoga and mindfulness to all age levels, including children, with a strong focus on pose safety, body positivity, and inclusivity. My goal is to foster a safe and inclusive space where individuals can deepen their yoga practice and allow the transformative benefits of yoga to enrich their daily lives.

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Katie in a yoga pose with mesquite trees in the background


I currently facilitate weekly outdoor classes for beginners and experienced yogis, prioritizing pose safety and accessibility for all levels. I strive to create dynamic sequences that engage and challenge clients within their skill sets. Follow me on Instagram for announcements and updates regarding these classes.

I am available to teach private Hatha, Vinyasa, or Nidra classes to adults and children in one-on-one or group settings. I am also available for collaborations, and corporate events. Or I would be happy to work with you to create a custom class to suit your needs. Please get in touch for more information!

Get in touch

Upcomming Events

Check back soon!

Class Schedule

  • Hatha Flow - 6:30 pm

    YMCA Downtown Lohse

  • Vinysa - 8:00 am

    YMCA Ott

  • Hatha - 10:45 am

    YMCA Light House

  • Warm Flow - 7:00 pm

    Resiliency Wellness

    Sign Up
  • Vinyasa - 5:30 pm

    YMCA Ott

  • Slow Flow - 9:00 am

    Resiliency Wellness

    Sign Up
  • Hot Hatha - 10:30 am

    Resiliency Wellness

    Sign Up
  • Peace in the Park - 9:00 am

    East Hive - 326 S. Wilmot

    Upcoming: 6/23 (This is an indoors location)

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